Postech was founded thanks to resources that were generated by the most dramatic economic growth of any nation in the modern era. After three decades of impressive growth, we see today that many elements of the Korean economy are indistinguishable from those of the G7 nations. Indeed, in the foundational elements of the information economy, namely percentage of households with high-speed access to the internet and the penetration of wireless technologies, Korea leads the world. It is thus not inconceivable that Korea can play a more important role (than it has historically) in the development of innovative information technologies that deliver the fruits of genomics.
The first wave of research in genomics mapped the human genome as a sequence of nucleic acids. Although the genomic sequence is often referred to as the blueprint of life, a more accurate analogy would be a “catalog of parts” - and at that a catalog that lacks the associated manual for assembly. As we embark on the great adventure of integrating the parts into the whole, the spotlight shifts to a systems approach to the new biology. With each passing month, the landmark research outcomes at the leading edge of biology become ever more reminiscent of systems engineering - with electronic circuits replaced by biochemical pathways.
As an energetic and innovative institute for research, Postech has the opportunity to build upon its successes to date in cross-disciplinary and inter-departmental research. The compact campus and the separation from the distractions of Seoul further serves to instill a sense of community. Postech can draw upon excellence in three disciplines: biologi cal sciences, engineering and computer science, to play the leading role in building the foundatio n for Korea’s participati on in the next economic revolution and a place among the economic superpowers.
Today, we live in a global economy that is driven by the productivity of knowledge workers. In the “gloomy” scenario, global economic growth stalls in the coming decades as dictated by the laws of demographics. But an alternative and contrarian optimistic scenario exists. In this scenario, we see the possibilities of a positive feedback loop; knowledge workers discovering breakthrough medicines that enable all knowledge workers to maintain excellent health and mental accuity… and thus lengthen their productive years and thus create even more useful knowledge in all fields of endeavor. The new economic powers will be those nations that best drive this virtuous feedback loop.
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