Except the language course held before the semester began, the first course that I took in TU Graz was “Creativity technique”, which let students master various idea-generating skills such as brain storming, mapping, or six hat thinking. The course lasted for three days from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., and at the last day of the course, instructors and Philips manager gave each team one container for blender, and let teams propose at least five ideas to improve container. Just within five hours, each team had to generate ideas, make rough designs, and complete presentation material. I just thought that
Campus | Park Seo-kyung (IME 11) | 2014-05-21 15:08
In POSTECH, there are some programs organized by POSTECH International Relations (PIR). PIR provide five outbound programs, which are Summer Session, Study Abroad Program, Short-term Studying Abroad, International Internship Program, and AEARU Camp. These programs have their own purposes in progression.The main purpose of studying abroad program is, as indicated by the word “study,” education. Postechians who participate in the studying abroad program (including Summer Session, Study Abroad, and Short-term Studying Abroad) have to receive credits from the other universities. Furthermore, study
Campus | Reporter Choi Jong-hyeok | 2014-05-21 15:07
A new semester is upon us, and a number of freshmen are beginning to gather around the campus. What are the first things that come to people’s minds thinking of new semester? There might be study, dating, new friends, and cherry blossoms on March as well. However, before those, they would imagine numerous drinking parties, such as Membership Training, and the first meeting ceremony. Also, in POSTECH, all those parties are doubled because there is not only one for department but also one for classes. Sometimes foreign students also participate in those drinking parties. Does everyone enjoy thos
Campus | Reporter Kwon Woo-jung | 2014-03-05 16:46
Every Postechian knows POSTECH’s Honor Code, “Honesty and respect for others ensure Postechians the honorable future”. However, answers to various quizzes and exams are widely available and most students make use of them, thinking it natural and their own answer undesirable. Three students, Sanghoon Baek (ME 11), Sunghyun Kim (ME 11), and Changhoe Kim (EEE 10), formed a team and was given an opportunity by Job Korea to investigate the situation and find solutions in four universities and one organization in the United States: Georgia Tech, MIT, Harvard, CALTECH, and The Organization of Researc
Campus | Reporter Choi Na-youn | 2014-03-05 16:45
Last year, a Postechian finished the entire master’s and doctorate program in only three and a half years. That famous person is Woosung Kwon (CE Postdocs). In his lecture, he introduces how to become successful in graduate school years.He said it is not the effort, but the best output that is the most important thing. According to his lecture, he specified that those people, who do well, always study by themselves, find the problems, and immediately figure out the solutions. How good one is, equals to how fast one finds one’s subject, experiment, and make a conclusion by writing a thesis.The
Campus | Reporter Kwon Woo-jung | 2014-02-14 22:31