In October, POSTECH tried to change the food services to an external enterprise. So POSTECH sent emails about the detailed progress and suggestions of each company. POSTECH also held a presentation at lunch time and 5 p.m. so many students would be able to participate. Lunches were provided during the lunch presentation, and students had been informed about this via email and SNS. But, only 17 students came to the presentation. Only 366 (of roughly 3,000) students participated in the survey.
Low participation is not unique to this one issue. The election rate for representatives of UA has not been over 60% since the 25th UA (year 2011) . And lastly, POSTECH prohibited scholarships supported by companies (industrial scholarships). Before they decided it POSTECH held a presentation, but few students attended. Once the scholarship was prohibited it became a hot issue.
The Postech Times interviewed the representative of UA, Cho Jae Yeon (CiTE 12), Park, Ki Joon (Director of Division of General Services) and Son Suk Nam (Division of General Services) about how they work with the low participation and how to solve the problem. Cho said, “It is not just a problem for Postechians. Society has changed to personalization and people tend to not take an interest in society.” When UA or Housing Services prepares a project for students they need students’ voice. But participation at almost survey is lower than a quarter of students. So they have difficulty determining student opinion. Decision makers think that surveys represent student opinion based on mathematics, but they cannot depend on the results. To compensate, they assume representatives can express the voice of their group: The UA has to represent all sections, departments, clubs, etc. and Housing Services represents professors, employees, and students.
Cho mentioned, “We have focused on communication and promoting something by SNS, posters, and notice board. Although the number of students in presentations is low, the number is increasing gradually. We have to try to inform students more easily. UA is always open and accepts opinions through email, SNS, or any other form of communication. We are waiting for your opinions.”
Some students said “They survey formally after they have decided everything, so I do not participate in the meaningless surveys.” At this point Park said, “We try to promote more participation. When we choose the time of presentations we discuss optimum times that would work for the largest number of students. We work for members of POSTECH. If students do not want a project, we reconsider the project. We know that Postechians are busy, but please share your voice more.”
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