CAMPUS: Status of the POSTECH’s Student Associations
Postechians wearing blue and green zip-up hoodies were often seen in front of the 78 stairs, POSCO International Center, or the school cafeteria. They had performances, including songs, dances, and speeches, about their commitments to students. From Oct. 28- Nov. 3, the election campaign for student government took place and the election was on Nov. 3-4. This election was unique in that students voted for a president and vice-president together. Lee Won Jong (IME) and Kim Tae Hwa (CiTE) were elected as the president and vice-president. The Postech Times interviewed Cho Jae Yeon (CiTE) and Lee Jun Ho (ME), the former President and Vice President of the POSTECH Undergraduate Association, to get their reflections on the past year and their opinions about the new leaders. The 28th council’s motto was “Let’s Rock”, which means “Let’s Enjoy”. Its activities throughout the year can be categorized into short term service like writing a letter to special ones, watching movies, posting etc. and long term service related with overall school service. What they regarded as most important is communication among students, the university, and the student council. Most communication was through Facebook or POVIS before them. For the improvement of communication, they made channels called “Hot-lines”. As Postechians belong to classes and departments, they used the representatives of each group to get the news across. One achievement Cho felt proud of was the establishment of the subdivision Auraji and Culture Design. The subdivision Auraji, which means a place where several rivers merge, was established to promote friendship among the members the student council. Harmony between the members developed into a sense of trust, which inspired members to work with more pleasure and a sense of duty. On the other hand, the Culture Design division’s activities were not as great. They could only do things for a short-term. They hoped the short-term services would be high-risk, high-return, but the returns have not been that impressive. Cho said that the main problem might have been the lack of promotion. Thus, he wants the new council to communicate well.
Linked with the 28th council, the new council, whose motto is “link”, emphasizes the importance of communication. However, they grasp the problems of the current council to have “the lack of a critical mind”. The new council plans to improve communication by sharing information through Kakao Talk Plus Friends . Using Kakao Talk, which applies full-duplex, they will make communication easy, efficient, and effective. Their other commitments can be seen on the UA Facbeook page ( Although 418 Postechians voted Lee and Kim, 399 of Postechians voted for the other candidates. The new leaders will strive to win them over too with a humble attitude.
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