The one thing that made me land here at The Postech Times? I believe that is all to the spirit that is filling all around the campus. You can code if you want, you may even sit in on any lecture you want! Then there are the clubs, and not clubs they are… But that is a story for another day to come. Back to the spirit I mentioned? I feel it is the vast possibility that just for the possibility of one day becoming the head researcher of his field, or it can be something more delightful. For me, it is more of a feeling, the feeling of finally being at a place where people run with passion and intensity. It has been the engine that propelled me to try for anything everywhere, anytime I have the odds.
That same engine will spur me till the end here at The Postech Times.
Loud and clear; I am here at The Postech Times to make reports and stories that are worth to read, especially for the Postechians but also for the general public. This means a challenge that never once have I confronted. It will also demand me numerous requirements that I am going to accept with heart.
One thing that I am imprinting in myself is utter integrity. I am fully aware of the fact that The Postech Times not only serves as a POSTECH’s one and the only official news publisher, but also as a public media. It means that I am representing a whole lot bigger community; POSTECH above all. Whilst I will never stop putting myself to challenge putting the best of my efforts to create original pieces of articles, this will always be my maxim number one;. The way it should be, and the only way the Postechians deserve to be served. This, I believe will be the very basis of every writings that I will publish from days to come. I give you my word that I will never stop polishing myself to be ready for any undesirable temptations that will never occur under my sight.
Again, thank you so much for bringing me here at The Postech Times. I will never let you down with the quality of the news I publish.
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