Then, what is the role of the preparing organization in this orientation could be one of questions. The previous preparing organization consisted of 30 to 40 people, 7 to 8 teams, a chairman, a vice-chairman and a manager. The organization of 2016 consisted of 33 people, 4 teams, a chairman, a vice-chairman and a manager. Special additions were the management support team and the orientation management meeting (OMM). The management support team took charge of rest of work that is hard to be clearly allocated to other teams, like designing name tag, staff manual, and ground banner in student hall. OMM is the meeting of the presidents of each organization mentioned above. This meeting manages all the work related to orientation, which could make the orientation more continuous.
The main programs of the orientation are lectures on sexual education, safety, etc. Those are things that everyone knows. The preparing organization wanted to give freshman real knowledge and the desire was realized into a talk concert called Ya-ho (夜好). Ya-ho was divided into 2 sections. The first section was lectures by a professor, the CEO of a start-up company, employees of national and international companies, etc. The second section was lectures of enrolled students and alumni of each class.
Some students worried about losing the competence of the preparing organization by dividing their work. However Chairman Kim said PBS, DAP, club organization, and president meeting of classes will work for the orientation since their interest, responsibility, and autonomy are involved. Both the previous and current orientation preparing organization systems have merits (even though the previous one is hardly mentioned in this article). Both systems are clearly based up deep care for freshmen and POSTECH.
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