What Programs are in This Month?
What Programs are in This Month?
  • Reporter Choi Na-youn
  • 승인 2015.04.08 17:50
  • 댓글 0
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Campus health service center is different from outside medical institutions because it does not seek the profit but tries its best to enhance student health. The campus nurse of health service center, Kim Bonghwa, explained what medical programs are prepared for Postechians this semester.
Responsible Drinking Culture Campaign was held in the Student Union on Mar. 20 to alarm students the danger of excessive drinking at the start of semester and to help students form corrects notions related to alcohol. In addition, from Mar. 16 – 20, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) registration proceeded in Undergraduate Woman Student Association. Those who signed up within could go to Uridul Hospital to receive an HPV vaccination at a discounted fee. The hospital, which cooperates with POSTECH, gives benefits to Postechians with discounted fees, reliability of checkup, and convenient transportation from POSTECH.
The first anti-smoking clinic continues to Apr. 10, which was held on Mar. 6, 13, 27 and cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training course was held on Apr. 3. Furthermore, washing hands campaign, and tuberculosis prevention campaign will be held this month. The washing hands campaign is included in the tuberculosis prevention campaign because washing hands method and continuous habit to wash are important ways to prevent tuberculosis.
May & June
Student medical examination is planned to be held on May 21-22 as a checkup movement. Last year the examinations took place in Korea Medical Institute (KMI) but this year POSTECH will cooperate with Pohang St. Mary’s Hospital as a checkup movement because of some problems with the previous examination. Last year, students could register for an optional advanced examination at their own expense, which made students spend as much as 100,000 KRW beyond their budget. This year, students can only register for the basic examination. After seeing the results, anyone who wants an additional examination may register for it personally.
The second anti-smoking clinic and CPR training course will be held in May and other activities are not yet determined.
For next semester, the health center plans to offer influenza vaccinations and metabolic syndrome checkups for graduate students who register previously.
The ultimate goal of the campus health center is to increase students’ knowledge about health and how to treat themselves. Campus nurse Kim hopes that students share knowledge they obtain about methods of preserving health and curing disease on SNS. This way, knowledge about health could spread through the community. The manual of medical programs offered by the health center will be announced on SNS by UA.
Drinking Culture Campaign or clinic is a national health service so it is financed by government. It gives Postechians the opportunity to consult professionals, which benefits both the university and students. About 80% of participants in health campaigns are graduate students, which is interesting because the planner of those campaigns is the UA rather than Graduate Student Association (GSA). Graduate students live a repetitive life in limited places, which makes them worry more about their health. Therefore, GSA should actively participate in planning health services for Postechians.
It is easy to think the medical program is only for students because the health center, UA, and GSA are all partners. However, all health programs, except the student medical examination in April, are available to every POSTECH member.