Blasting KPSW 2024
Blasting KPSW 2024
  • Reporter Park So-mang
  • 승인 2024.09.25 21:58
  • 댓글 0
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▲Postechians are watching the basketball game
▲Postechians are watching the basketball game

The 21st KAIST-POSTECH Science War (KPSW) was successfully held at POSTECH from Sept. 20 to 21. The festival blasted with enthusiasm and talent. Even the pouring rains could not stop the two universities from enjoying the exchange of fierce competition, camaraderie, and a shared passion for science and technology. KPSW Advisory Committee and many student clubs prepared a variety of booths and events to run throughout two days, adding to the festival vibe. Booths included a photo booth, face painting booth, 3D tic-tac-toe, PO-casino, and more. Each booth had small treats for the participants, and some had Playstation 5 and Apple Watch as the prize for the best players. Meanwhile, several food trucks were ready near the Student Union Building for the hungry attendees. Yet, undoubtedly, the climax was sports and science matches. 

The first day of the grand celebration began with the opening ceremony at noon. Guests from each university gave speeches to thank the students who worked hard and to encourage everyone to enjoy the interaction. The ceremony ended with a wish to finish the event safely and cheers from cheerleading teams CHEERO and ELKA. Right after the opening ceremony, the football match took over the baton to enjoy the KPSW in earnest. POSTECH gave one goal in the first ten minutes of the game. Despite many chances, the match ended with a score of 1:0. The second match of the KPSW started in the middle of the football match. The Hacking marathon started at 3 P.M.. KAIST won the game by 1850:1000. The AI event was the third competition. Before the match, both teams programmed their AI to play Super Smash Bros, and two AIs fought during the game to determine the better one. POSTECH dramatically won with a score of 2:3. The last match of the day was League of Legends (LOL). The game was a close call with a score of 2:1. POSTECH made an unbelievable comeback in the second round but lost the third round, losing the match. 

The following day, the baseball match was scheduled to begin at 10 A.M. at Pohang Baseball Stadium. However, due to heavy rain, the baseball match was held at POSTECH Sports Field with no spectators. KAIST won again by 14:0. The next contest was the Science Quiz. The game had 20 rounds, and before each round, players could choose chance cards. Unfortunately, KAIST won with a score of 275:170. The last match of the KPSW was basketball. It started at 4 P.M. in the school gymnasium. It was a very close match in the first quarter. However, the point differential gradually increased in consecutive quarters and ended with a score of 67:51. After all seven matches, the KPSW ended with the closing ceremony. Several POSTECH and KAIST bands performed fantastic music, and the performances of rapper Zene the Zilla and rock band Yudabinband (YdBB) marked a fabulous end to the KPSW.