The electronics for wearable displays have to work without any problems in small size. Researchers have made the electronics by photolithography and electron beamlithography. But these technologies are complicated and expensive. Also these techniques can only be used on wire electronics under one micrometer in size. Prof. Lee arranges electronics on large device directly using an electric field, called E-nanowire printing. He succeeded in printing nanowire which has almost the same electronic character hundreds of nanometer apart. It can be also used to repair defects made by original technology so it is expected to increase yields sharply.
He said “It accelerates the commer-cialization of integrated electronic devices and it is based to the field of wearable computers and flexible displays, a field expected to grow up to 50 trillion KRW in 2020.” The result is receiving great evaluations because it significantly decreases the cost as well as the time required to materialize nanowire on a large device uniformly.
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