Workcamp, a Chance for Exclusive Global Experience
Workcamp, a Chance for Exclusive Global Experience
  • Reporter Kwon Na-eun
  • 승인 2014.12.03 07:27
  • 댓글 0
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Since it is almost the end of the year and the second semester is about to be over, a lot of Postechians are planning what they want to do during vacation. They consider traveling, volunteering, dieting, and so on. Normally, they can perform their plans one at a time, but workcamp is different. In workcamp, they not only go abroad to foreign countries but also volunteer and work with new friends.
What is Workcamp?
Global Workcamp organizes diverse volunteer projects related to environment, development, peace, architecture, education and so on. Young volunteers from all over the world stay and work together for about 2-3 weeks. Anyone over 19 or older can apply online. Participants form global mindsets through world-class cultural experience and exchange. Also, they can experience global communities through volunteering abroad and contribute to the formation of a worldwide civil society. There are three core values people can learn from workcamp: learning, changing, and growing. First, participants can learn how to comprehend other cultures. Participants have different ideologies and cultures, yet they have to be in the same place and work together. There are always major and minor conflicts, but participants solve these and become more culturally knowledgeable and sensitive. Second, the local communities can change by the foreign youth who volunteer. They will have chances to communicate and cooperate with each other. Third, each individual participant will grow and develop as a global citizen.
How to Apply
 As mentioned before, the entire application process can be completed online. The biggest workcamp website for Koreans is First, enter the website and complete the application form. Then, submit the form and entry fee by the due date. Entry fees vary depending on the country and type of work selected. After that, the application forms are evaluated and applicants are informed about whether or not they are accepted. There are many open opportunities so it will be great to try one of them.
A Few More Tips
 If it is a burden to pay entry fees, there are some special workcamps like Workcamp Challenger or Kia Global Workcamp. In the last seminar held by POSTECH Honor Society Alpha, Sunjin Ryu (IME 12) said she went to Kia Global Workcamp and strongly recommended it to other Postechians. For applicants who are selected, most expenses, including airfare, are covered. In addition, she could choose when to leave and when to come back, so she not only volunteered but also traveled. Furthermore, she had so much fun since she could work and hang out with diverse people from different parts of the world. She said her summer at workcamp was the best summer of her life.
 Workcamp is a great way to spend the vacation. It will help Postechians volunteer and get experience abroad at the same time. It will be worth challenging oneself through these opportunities and to spend a meaningful winter break.