Depending on which country one decides to visit, one may become interested and knowledgeable in a certain field of study. Living in Korea, we become interested in what the latest IT is. We cannot imagine a day without our cell phones or become agitated if we cannot use the Internet. In Hong Kong, because it is the heart of the biggest financial companies in Asia, it is inevitable that people become aware of the financial happenings. For those who visit Africa, they become more interested in appropriate technology, as it can help numerous locals with just a little investment. Therefore, traveling to different places can broaden our perspectives to become aware of different fields of study.
Though experiencing the different cultures will give a bigger impact, it is also influential to reach out to people with different interests and status. Through such means, we can indirectly experience what they have. One of the most efficient methods may be to contact POSTECH alumni. Most recently, The Postech Times met four alumni- Daeun Lee (IME 01), Jaewoo Song (LIFE 04), Park Taekyu (EEE 92), and Jihoon Roh (IME 05) in Hong Kong. Each alumnus explained their experiences in Hong Kong, including stories of failure and success, that helped them become the person they are today. Professors are also capable of telling their experiences abroad, as most have studied abroad or traveled to participate in seminars.
Although POSTECH is definitely one of the most promising universities that provide students with an enormous amount of support, there are things that it cannot provide. Therefore students need to become aware of and motivate themselves to explore beyond their limited boundaries. You will not know how parochial your thoughts have been until you have taken a step outside of your frame.
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