If You Like Something Truly
If You Like Something Truly
  • Reporter Park Do-won
  • 승인 2013.11.20 15:24
  • 댓글 0
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These days, when I sit on my chair in the office of The Postech Times (3rd floor of the Student Union Building), I can feel the enthusiasm of Postechians. On all the floors of the building, students sing, dance, and play in a band even after midnight. Those are usually practices for regular concerts of their clubs, or just for their own fun. However, the practices are really hard and long, so it makes people think that “Is it that fun?”.
I participated in the training camp of KAISER (POSTECH soccer club) during the summer vacation. Whether to prepare for the POSTECH & KAIST Science War or just to improve soccer skills, students gather in Pohang during the vacation to train. However, the training camp is not enough to exchange with vacation. As Postechians know, the summer of Pohang is really hot, and club members should have a training in daytime. Also, the training is not easy like people think. In every exercise, club members exert themselves to overstep the physical limit. According to that, the coach conducts a harder training every day. Sometimes members run over 20 laps around track of the stadium, and have 4 practice games in a row until 9 P.M.  This training really tests physical limits, so members are often lead to question themselves, “Am I a soccer player?”
This is not the story of a single club, of course. Many clubs of POSTECH have a hard training or practice for competition or concert once a year at least. The important thing is that members of clubs, postechians, don’t think of it as just a hard thing, but they enjoy it. Through club activities of myself and other students, I saw  Postechians’ potential to really become absorbed in something. If they like something truly, the level of difficulty doesn’t matter to them. They constantly practice and finally create a fantastic result. If anyone sees a concert like the dance battle at POSTECH & KAIST Science War, he will realize the true effort and passion of Postechians, and be surprised about their sterling qualities.
Now, I think that Postechians only task is to find something that they truly like. The subject of your passion can be whatever: study, exercise, singing, dancing, etc. Anyting is okay. Moreover, I realized that what we have to achieve in university is finding the thing we truly love. Although I am just a freshman, I am very surprised at the speed of time. Our time and life would be short for us to find “the thing.” To find it, we must face lots of hardships. However, it will not just be a hard journey because Postechians can enjoy it.