Every researcher who has ever published a peer-reviewed journal paper or given a conference talk will understand the phrase “From nobody to somebody”. In the academic world, you are nobody until you produce your first academic fruit. Yet, once you do it, suddenly you become “somebody” to talk to about your topic. You have ownership of the research results; it is called “authorship”. 2012 is the year graduate students became “somebody” from “nobody”. Before the birth of GSA, there was no association that could represent graduate student’s voice, and the opinion of graduates was very limitedly reflected. Now that the GSA is set up, graduate students are considered as members with a mouth to speak seriously. We have come from nowhere to somewhere. We can stand up with the pride and the power of influence.
I remember a saying from Gandhi, “Speed is irrelevant if you are going in the wrong direction.” If we keep going in the right direction, whether it’s fast or slow is the second concern. GSA’s direction is definitely to promote and protect the rights and interests of graduate students. In 2012, we have tried to make a system to sustainably maintain this direction. We have assigned a permanent secretary to consistently work toward our goals over the years; we have made a system that an acting president assigned from GSA executive council can take charge in the absence of the GSA president.
Lastly, I want to emphasize to all Postechians, including students and staffs, please back us up with your support and patience so that GSA can sustainably develop as a guardian of graduates’ rights and interests. And, fellow graduate Postechians! As you have become “somebody from nobody,” please recognize and exercise your ownership in 2013.
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