The 14th POSTECH Programming Contest (PPC) was held on May 26 from 1 PM to 7 PM in Room 501 of Tae-Joon Park Digital Library. It has been hosted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering every first semester, and it aims to raise Postechians’ interest and ability in programming. This year, thirteen teams, each with one to three people, participated, with most of its participants from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Some students from other departments, and even graduate students joined as well. The participants could choose between visual C++/C or Java as their primary language when they registered for PPC, and they solved eight to ten problems during the given time.
In 2012 PPC, Yeong-seok Kim, Seong-hwan Kim, and Won-yeol Lee won the first prize, Gyu-hyeon Lee and Hyeong-cheol Park got the second, and Do-yeon Kim, Eun-jin Baek, and Jong-min Choi received the third. Samsung Galaxy Tab, Samsung 256GB SSD, and Logitech Keyboard were the prizes given to the winners respectively.
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