The construction, led by Professor Jong Shik Chung of the Department of Chemical Engineering, is financed by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Geongsangbuk-do, city of Pohang, Geongsangnam-do, POSTECH, and POSCO Energy. The project receives 18.5 billion KRW for 35 months until June, 2014. The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Center includes not only testing and evaluation of products and parts of industrialization of hydrogen fuel cell, but also standardization of manufactures.
The opening ceremony consisted of tours of test-bed facilities, embedding MOU with major corporations, and seminars given by Prof. K. Deason of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany and Dr. N. Christiansen of TOPSOE in Denmark.
“When the center construction will be completed in June, 2014, it is expected to promote domestic producing of parts and dominate the global market as well as attracting Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Valley in Pohang” said, an authority of Pohang City government. He further added that, ?we expect to create more than 1,900 jobs in addition to 400 billion KRW of effect on production inducement. It will be the next growth engine of Pohang as the Mecca of fuel cells.”
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