Professor Yoon Hee Jeong of the Department of Physics received the ‘the 2011 Netzsch-KSTP Award,’given by Netzsch Korea Co. Ltd and the Korean Society of Thermophysical Properties (KSTP). The award was presented in the annual conference of KSTP at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology on Apr. 8. He conducted a lecture titled ‘Relaxation phenomena in matter’.
Prof. Jeong has been developing various methods of calorimetry and applied them to solid-state materials for last several years, while he was striving to concentrate on his studies of thermophysical properties. He also received the Prime Minister’s Award at the 2004 Korea Invention Patent Exhibition, for developing a heat conducting vacuum gauge using the Peltier effect. As one of the founding members of the KSTP, he has contributed to the development of society, especially with his service as chairman of the society for two years.
Headquartered in Germany, the Netzsch Groups Co. Ltd is a global family-owned enterprise which handles equipment, including that for measuring thermal properties. Started in 2005, the Netzsch-KSTP Award has been granted to a superior researcher in the field of thermophysical properties every two years.