International Postechians at a Glance
International Postechians at a Glance
  • .
  • 승인 2009.09.23 16:40
  • 댓글 0
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Nationality of Foreign Postechians

These days we can see many foreign Postechians around campus. Have you ever wondered ‘How many foreigners are here in POSTECH?’ and ‘Where are they from?’ To satisfy your curiosity, The Postech Times prepared a brief chart about foreign Postechians as of Sep. 2009.

▲ Nationality of foreign Postechians. Indian and Chinese amount to 99, more than the number of foreigners from all other countries.
As you can see, Postechians from India take up the largest portion, but there are no Indian undergraduate exchange students. All Indians are researchers or graduate students. The 47 Chinese students constitute the second largest portion. The sum of Indian and Chinese amount to 99, more than the number of foreigners from all other countries.
What is unusual about this year is that many exchange students are from France and China. A total of 14 out of all 25 exchange students are French or Chinese.
Beside the above countries in the chart, there are students from 30 different countries in POSTECH. If you want know this precisely, watch for the national flags at the Student Union Building.

Reporter Ahn Joon-hyung

About Undergraduate Exchange Students

As POSTECH is diligently pacing its way to achieving globalization for VISION 2020, one of the notable factors to look upon is the increase in undergraduate exchange students from around the world.

As years go by, the number of exchange students increases.

POSTECH has 71 partner universities in 19 countries. The proportion of nationalities among exchange students is not strikingly different from that of the overall international population at POSTECH, but almost 70% of the exchange students are from France, China, the U.S. and Germany.

▲ Undergraduate exchange students male:female ratio

An interesting statistic to observe is the percentage of female international students compared to Korean female undergraduates. Although the latter shows a decreasing trend in the last three years, from 22% to 16%, the former displays no sign of slowing down so far.

▲ Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) and Electronic and Electrical Engineering(EEE) are the top two preferred dapartments for foreign Postechians.
Among 10 departments for undergraduates and one for graduates, Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) are the top two preferred departments at POSTECH, amounting to almost 50%. Life Science, Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Physics are the next front running contenders.


Reporter Kim Eun-ji