New Medical Imaging: from Lab to Clinics and Markets
New Medical Imaging: from Lab to Clinics and Markets
  • Professor Chulhong Kim (EEE, ITCE, IBIO, and ME)
  • 승인 2024.09.25 21:51
  • 댓글 0
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Professor Chulhong Kim (EEE, ITCE, IBIO, and ME)
Professor Chulhong Kim (EEE, ITCE, IBIO, and ME)

About the Bio Optics and Acoustics Laboratory

Our lab focuses on providing non-invasive and precise medical imaging through photoacoustic/ultrasound-integrated imaging technology. This technology detects ultrasound generated by the irradiation of light inside the body, and we are currently developing a “next-generation non-radiative photoacoustic/ultrasound biomedical imaging device” combined with traditional ultrasound imaging. This system allows the visualization of diverse information such as internal body structures, blood vessel conditions, and oxygen saturation in high resolution and 3-dimension, without the need for contrast agents.

Currently, we are developing technologies that could be applied at multiple levels, from single-cell level experiments to research on small animals, and eventually to clinical systems designed for human bodies. Recently, our team implemented a system that is capable of performing 3-dimensional imaging about 500 times faster than pre-existing photoacoustic microscopes, using an ultra-fast scanner. This system enables real-time observation of structures as small as red blood cells. Furthermore, in clinical research involving Thyroid nodule patients, we successfully distinguished malignant nodules from benign ones based on our photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging system with high sensitivity and specificity, thereby reducing medical costs and the economic burden on patients. We are also conducting clinical tests on patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease and are under commercialization through a start-up company called Opticho. Moreover, we established the world’s first system of integrating ultrasound, photoacoustic, optical interference, and fluorescence by developing an ultra-sensitive transparent ultrasound transducer, which has opened the possibility of detecting diverse symptoms of diseases simultaneously.

About how you became involved in the field of biomedical engineering

When I was in college, electrical engineering (IT engineering) was popular, and most graduates started their careers in large corporations within the fields of semiconductor and communications technology. However, I chose a different path for several reasons. Firstly, following the same route as most people did not appeal to me. I wanted to establish my own path. Secondly, my mother, who was often ill, had a significant influence on me. The desire to work in a field that could improve people’s health has been with me for a long time. Lastly, I believe that everyone has an inherent desire to live a long and healthy life. These reasons led me to the field of medical engineering, and I decided to specialize in the area after meeting a remarkable academic advisor. Although the training process was challenging, I believe this was the most important decision of my life. 

You are focusing on imaging technology utilizing photoacoustic effects and ultrasound within the diverse fields of medical engineering. What makes acoustics and optics crucial in imaging technology, and how does imaging technology contribute to the field of bioengineering?

Optical endoscopes, microscopes, X-rays, CT scans, and MRI images are examples of technologies widely used for medical diagnosis. They all commonly visualize the condition of a patient’s body using light, which is a type of electromagnetic radiation. However, optical endoscopes and microscopes are limited in their ability to obtain information about deeper body structures, while X-rays and CT scans involve the risk associated with radiation exposure despite their ability to provide information about deep structures. MRI scans are free from radiation risk, but they require expensive equipment. Photoacoustic imaging, which combines ultrasound and optical technology, is gaining attention as a potential solution to these limitations. This technology has the potential to provide high-resolution diagnostic images more safely and cost-effectively.

Photoacoustic imaging technology plays a crucial role in the field of bioengineering. Firstly, this technology aids in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases because it can precisely visualize body structure in high-resolution images, ranging from the cellular level to an entire tissue. Secondly, it provides physiological information, such as oxygen saturation, without the help of contrast agents, which enables non-invasive analysis of inflammation status and differentiation of malignant tumors. Lastly, the integration of photoacoustics with ultrasound has become an important tool in developing new strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in various biological research and clinical trials. Advances in these technologies ultimately enable personalized medicine and drive innovative progress in the field of bioengineering.  

About the goals you ultimately want to achieve through research

The first goal is to develop innovative medical imaging diagnostic technology, thereby extending patients’ lifespans by preventing diseases in advance or diagnosing them at earlier stages. Secondly, I aim to improve patients’ quality of life using these technologies. Lastly, I hope to contribute to reducing rapidly increasing medical costs, enhancing the efficiency of the medical system, and ultimately establishing and implementing stable medical policies, through the commercialization of these technologies, with our start-up company, Opticho. 

About the difficulties you encountered during research and how you overcame them

I have encountered many challenges while conducting research. One of the biggest challenges was dealing with the uncertainty in the process of developing new technology. The development of a medical imaging device that integrates photoacoustic imaging with ultrasound required an innovative approach, different from pre-existing strategies, which often led to unpredicted issues. 

Close cooperation with my teammates was key to overcoming these difficulties. By sharing each member’s expertise and solving problems together, we were able to come up with new ideas. An attitude of not fearing failures and constantly making efforts was also crucial in the development process. When we failed in an experiment, we modified our approach based on the lessons we learned from the failure and eventually achieved a better result.

Furthermore, I tried to keep my long-term goals in mind while accumulating small achievements. Research is like a marathon; it was important to continuously make an effort with the belief that each small step was contributing to my ultimate goal. Eventually, I was able to successfully develop a new medical imaging technology, overcoming all these challenges. 

Advice to POSTECH students

These days, many students are trying to build their careers through diverse activities. However, I personally believe that participating in numerous activities is not always the best strategy. This is because, although you may start many projects, you may not always complete them. It is important to develop the habit of properly closing out each project. The experience of finalizing projects, even if they are small, will help you build a foundation that could support you in achieving bigger goals.