On April 11, a special event was held at the CHANGeUP GROUND Pohang. The first workshop between POSTECH and Mahidol University in Thailand provided a valuable opportunity to discuss topics in various fields for the development of the start-up ecosystem. Entrepreneurs from each university gathered to share knowledge and experience on technology commercialization, entrepreneurship education, and cooperation. They also enjoyed a variety of other harmonious and challenging discussions. At this event, researchers, including professors from each university, came together to share their thoughts.
Mahidol University is a prestigious university with six campuses in Thailand, and it has a great influence in the fields of medicine, life science, and opinion-health. With extraordinary aspirations, Mahidol University put forward a technology management philosophy, introducing the appropriate organizational structure and functions, and advocated that they will develop in an innovative direction. POSTECH also explained its progress toward developing a start-up ecosystem by showcasing its special entrepreneurship curriculum, including infrastructure such as CHANGeUP GROUND Pohang. POSTECH further introduced the Entrepreneurship Convergence Failure System, expressing an earnest wish for the endless development of students, and explaining that the system can be a guide and guideline for students who have difficulty starting their businesses.
Currently, Thailand is devoting its energy and resources to fostering the technology industry in order to get out of the tourism-oriented economic structure. Many of its budgets have been distributed to major domestic universities, including Mahidol University. The government has also completed the creation of a technical commercialization fund for each university and, because of this, Mahidol University expressed its interest in furthering collaboration with POSTECH. The school insisted that the cooperation would help POSTECH’s commercialization technologies including commercialization and development work, and that there would be opportunities to explore and enter the Southeast Asian market. The enthusiastic participation and discussion of all who attended the event, especially professors, researchers, and industry leaders, gave a sense of good fortune to the success of many future projects. Through this cooperation, POSTECH and Mahidol University are expected to have a great influence not only in Southeast Asia but also in the global market.
Professor Seo Ribin (IME), who was a participant on the POSTECH side, said, “Through this workshop, we have paved the way for the two universities to better understand and support each other not only by cooperation in education and research but also in specific technological commercialization projects. Our goal is to go beyond just academic cooperation and to create a sustainable ecosystem that combines practical entrepreneurship and innovation. Today’s event was the first step in this direction, and we look forward to working together on this path. We extend our deep gratitude to all those present.”