Student Voices: Questions about POSTECH Library
Student Voices: Questions about POSTECH Library
  • Reporter Park So-mang
  • 승인 2024.01.01 19:45
  • 댓글 0

▲Tae-Joon Park Digital Library
▲Tae-Joon Park Digital Library

  Tae-Joon Park Digital Library, more often called “Cheong-am” after the art name of Park Tae Joon, is an indispensable place for Postechians. Students visit the library for lectures, to study, or even to take a rest in the Relax Zone. Hence, as a Postechian, most students would stop by the library at least once every day. However, because students spend a considerable amount of time in the library, they have raised some discontent and questions regarding the facilities and systems of the library. The Postech Times interviewed Academic Information Resources, Information and Communication Services, and Facilities Management to ask about these issues and the management of the library. 
  The most frequently arising problem is the Wi-Fi problem. To understand current Wi-Fi issues in the library, one must first understand the basics. The Wi-Fi uses a 2.4GHz / 5GHz frequency band (public band) and is a half-duplex, which means it can only receive or transmit at a time. Also, wireless LAN services can cause interference with devices in the same band around the wireless Access Point (AP), and users connected to one wireless AP share the bandwidth (speed) available on the wireless AP. Finally, the maximum speed that the wireless AP provides decreases as the distance from the wireless AP increases. Now, going back to the problem, when the user experiences disconnecting Wi-Fi issues, there might be interference with the wireless AP or a decrease in the maximum speed because of distance. On the other hand, when the Wi-Fi speed feels slow, the cause might be multiple devices connected to one wireless AP. Due to the architectural nature of the library with open spaces and glass walls, as well as concentrated users in certain spots and times, Wi-Fi is often cut off and is slow. To improve wireless quality, Information and Communication Services is in the process of a user monitoring solution, Proof of Concept (POC), planning to change Wi-Fi modules to support WiFi6 and replace wireless APs. 
  Other problems that students continuously point out are the air conditioning system and elevator algorithm. The library building gets particularly hot in the summer. Many students complain that the building is too heated to the extent that they cannot study. Facilities Management explained in the interview that the degradation of a facility that supplies air conditioning is the cause of the lack of air conditioning. They have identified a refrigerating machine in power room 4 is malfunctioning and concluded that the machine cannot be repaired. Thus, they have requested a budget for the replacement and will push ahead with the replacement work as the utmost priority as soon as the business plan for 2024 is confirmed. Meanwhile, the two main elevators in the library are actually intended to work like any other elevator systems we are familiar with. Yet, there were some errors in diagnosing the other elevator, so there were cases where the further elevator came instead of the nearer one. Currently, the maintenance is complete, and the team is monitoring whether the same problem occurs periodically.
  Apart from issues regarding the library, interestingly, the library does not follow the Korean Decimal Classification (KDC). Instead, the library uses the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system. Academic Information Resources explained that the library uses LCC because it is more specialized in the detailed classification of science and technology fields.