On April 11, POSTECH shifted to face-to-face classes. After the midterm exam, the number of in-person activities such as group events and private gatherings increased, resulting in a steady increase in confirmed cases. In addition, Student Culture Day was held from May 12 to 13 and the commencement ceremony was held on May 13. Previously postponed workshops and social events also recommenced. Now that COVID-19 regulations have almost disappeared, The Postech Times has looked at the spread of COVID-19 to see if Postechians are safe from the virus.
According to the office of safety and health, total of 461 confirmed cases occurred from April 4 to May 29, when undergraduates moved into the dormitory. Of these, 41 were faculty members, 60 were researchers, and 360 were students. Each group accounted for 8.93%, 13.07%, and 78.43%, with the proportion of students overwhelmingly high. Weekly confirmed patients were 81 (April 4 to 10), 77, 64, 68, 90, 53, 19, and 9. Due to Student Culture Day, a large number of confirmed patients have occurred, but the spread is now entering a stable state.
Recently, the government’s policy related to COVID-19 quarantine has changed, and the on-campus COVID-19 response manual has also changed. In events attended by more than 50 people, masks are mandatory even if they are outdoors. In addition, the policy of self-quarantine for seven days should be maintained in the event of a confirmed patient, and close contacts should also be switched to telecommuting for three days. The office of safety and health plans to continuously revise the COVID-19 manual on campus after the influential Disease Control meeting in the event of government policy changes in the future. Most recently, the manual was revised on May 31 and has been in effect since June 1.
The vice president of office of safety and health asked students to do the following in a written interview with this paper.
“Thank you to the students, executives and employees in the school for cooperating with the prevention of COVID-19 on campus. Currently, the spread of COVID-19 is subsiding for a while, but as you can see from the experience of the past two years, there are always concerns about the spread of infectious diseases, so I hope you don’t let your guard down for a while. In particular, as outside activities have increased rapidly these days, if you have suspected symptoms of infection such as coughing, sore throat, or fever, please refrain from entering multi-use facilities, report to the school quickly, and receive diagnostic tests and treatment at nearby hospitals. Please always pay attention to infections in your daily life. We ask for your active cooperation to speed up the recovery of precious daily lives by thoroughly following personal quarantine rules such as wearing indoor masks, refraining from conversation during meals in multi-use facilities, washing hands, and regular indoor disinfection and ventilation.”