On March 23, POSTECH announced a plan for the creation of the “Pohang Bigdata-AI Innovation Center”. The center will be established over the next five years with an investment worth 20 billion KRW and public funds. The Postech Times contacted Professor Sangmin, Choi of the POSTECH Institute of Artificial Intelligence (PIAI) for further information about the center.
The vision of the Pohang Bigdata-AI Innovation Center is to make Pohang an innovative and accessible city that will lead the data and AI industry. Accordingly, it aims to serve as a control tower for the data industry by establishing a strategy corresponding to the government’s policies related to big data and AI. The center will construct an innovative data-AI hub, train AI professionals, and offer support for related corporations and startups.
The Pohang Bigdata-AI Innovation Center will have three roles. First, the center will offer programs that train, foster, and consult data-related young startups and companies. Second, the center will carry out projects such as expanding big data governance and applying for designation as a government data-specialized institution. Finally, the center aims to cultivate a cluster of startups that share innovative ideas in Pohang connected to “DNA (Data, Network, AI)”.
The Pohang Bigdata-AI Innovation Center will be built in cooperation with four institutions: POSTECH, Pohang City, PIAI, and Pohang Techno Park. POSTECH and Pohang City will be conducting overall operations and administrative support such as providing facilities and project costs, and securing public funds. Pohang Techno Park will be fostering big data companies and supporting startups. The PIAI will be constructing and operating the center and its programs, in addition to acquiring contracts for central government research projects related to data and AI. The center seeks to operate in connection with research, corporate support, and education programs conducted by the PIAI. In particular, professors from POSTECH and PIAI will be giving lectures on the training and education of human resources, while a number of researchers will be managing infrastructures and analyzing data.
The establishment and operation of the Pohang Bigdata-AI Innovation Center within POSTECH and PIAI raise expectations for expanding the big data industry in the local community, securing talented professionals, and improving local citizens’ awareness of big data and AI technology. The center will be located in the PIAI building, allowing Postechians to have close access to the infrastructure and various programs such as the education center, analysis center, and server supplies. The center will also provide Postechians with a variety of usable data for study, projects, and research.