To celebrate the beginning of a new year, The Postech Times looked back into the year 2020 to honor Postechians who excelled in their fields and boosted POSTECH’s stature. Tens of Postechians came to our attention, and choosing the top 7 to feature in the list below was difficult. Bear in mind; even if you were not listed here, take pride in yourself. You have done your best to make POSTECH proud, and POSTECH is mutually grateful.
Disclaimer: This list is based on The Postech Times’ subjective understanding that has been obtained through various media outlets. The ordering of this list is alphabetical and does not express relative importance.
1. Bu Ga-yun (PHYS, Ph.D. Integrated Candidate)
Bu Ga-yun was the grand prize winner at FameLab Korea 2020, which was organized by KOFAC (Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity) and the British Council in Korea. She delivered a fun and easy-to-understand speech on “Optical Tweezers for Small Things”. For this feat, she also participated in the FameLab International Final 2020 as the Korean representative, which was held last December.
2. Cho Sung-min (EEE, Ph.D. Candidate)
Cho Sung-min received an honorable mention award at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (2020 IEEE AP-S/URSI) for his paper, “Ultra-low Power Beamforming Wideband OFDM Signal with Active GRIN Lens at 10 GHz”. This paper earned attention for its low complexity and ultra-low power operations.
3. Han Seung-ho, 4. Kim Chan-ho, and 5. Jeong Sun-gyu (EEE, Ph.D. Integrated Candidates)
These three doctoral students won the ETRI President Award at the 21st Korea Semiconductor Design Competition as a team. The competition was hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association. The research team developed a software that automatically generates the layouts of the analog and hybrid semiconductor circuits and created various layout designs for high-speed wire transmitters.
6. Kim Min-kyung (ME, Ph.D. Integrated Candidate)
Kim Min-kyung was awarded Outstanding Female Graduate by the Korean Physical Society for her numerous papers on new phase optics phenomena involving metamaterials and topological photonics. These papers were also published in internationally renowned journals: “Extremely Broadband Topological Surface States in a Photonic Topological Metamaterial” in Advanced Optical Materials (2019) and “Topologically nontrivial photonic nodal surface in a photonic metamaterial” in Physical Review B (2020).
7. Park Jun-ho (EEE, Ph.D. Candidate)
Park Jun-ho won first prize in the student paper competition at all three major conferences of IEEE’s Antennas & Propagation Society (AP-S)—2020 IEEE AP-S/URSI, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, and the USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting—for his paper, “Optically Invisible Touch Sensor Panel Integrated Antenna: Concept and Demonstration at mmWave Spectrum”. He has also been selected to receive the 2020 IEEE AP-S C.J. Reddy Educational Grant from the IEEE AP-S for his great potential.