Intense Research on Imaging Systems at NTU
Intense Research on Imaging Systems at NTU
  • reporter Choi Eun-je
  • 승인 2020.07.06 21:25
  • 댓글 0
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▲Prof. Pramanik giving a talk on photoacoustic imaging at EMBC 2017 at Jeju, South Korea
▲Prof. Pramanik giving a talk on photoacoustic imaging at EMBC 2017 at Jeju, South Korea


This winter vacation, The Postech Times visited Singapore and got an opportunity to explore Singaporean universities. On Jan. 31, we visited Nanyang Technological University (NTU), one of the most prestigious universities in the world. At NTU, we had the honor of interviewing Professor Manojit Pramanik, Associate Professor of the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
After obtaining a Batchelor and a Master of Technology in instrumentation Engineering, Prof. Manojit specialized in Biomedical Engineering, especially in the field of imaging system. The imaging system aims to see what is inside the human body with a non-invasive method, which means without cutting open the body. Once the light is sent to its target cell, the cell absorbs the light and it produces heat. In this process, soundwave is created and the target cell is imaged through detecting this soundwave. This is how photoacoustic imaging works. Furthermore, light is not the only source that can produce soundwave by heating the cell, but also other electromagnetic waves such as microwaves can be used. This method is called micro-acoustic imaging. The difference between the two imaging systems is contrast. Whether the light or the microwave would be absorbed is dependent on contrast’s properties. Prof. Manojit also explained that it is possible to use both methods together but making the source that produces both the light and the microwave is challenging.
Prof. Manojit explained that these imaging systems can be applied in many different areas, such as cancer research and neurological treatment. Since they image the inside of the body non-invasively, the images are useful for diagnosis purposes and treatment planning. However, Prof. Manojit said that clinical translation to humans is the most challenging task. Although the technology works on certain research circumstance, it may not work in the human body. Then, the researcher has to develop a research also applicable to the inside of the body. Also, there are many regulations that biomedical instruments have to certificate.
When The Postech Times asked Prof. Manojit about NTU’s unique features, he picked out its extremely wide and convenient campus. The Postech Times were surprised to hear even the shopping mall was on the campus and that many students and professors, including him, live on the campus. About the lecture, for students who cannot attend the class due to personal reasons, all lectures are recorded and provided. Also, many professors at NTU are now starting to apply Team-Based Learning (TBL) to their lecture which promotes students to have an activity and study in a group.
Prof. Manojit also talked about his 15-year fellow Kim Chul-hong, Professor of the School Creative IT Engineering at POSTECH. They carried out a Ph.D. course in the same laboratory and still keep in a touch. After they parted ways to become professors, Prof. Manojit collaborated with Prof. Kim’s research team on “super-resolution in the photoacoustic image.” Prof. Manojit said he was happy to collaborate with a reputable university, POSTECH, and Prof. Kim’s research team did well. Finishing the interview, he said that it was glad to know POSTECH had a newspaper and welcomes readers of The Postech Times if they are to visit NTU.
After the interview, PProf. Manojit kindly guided The Postech Times to the campus near his office. Wandering the campus, The Postech Times felt the vibrant energy and ardor for study from students of NTU. It was a great experience at NTU to interview an insightful professor and feel the passion for research.