Fees for Most Dormitories Reduced
Fees for Most Dormitories Reduced
  • reporter Choi Eun-je
  • 승인 2020.02.13 19:14
  • 댓글 0
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▲Dormitories of POSTECH
▲Dormitories of POSTECH


The Office of Housing Services announced that dormitory fees will be adjusted taking into account diverse factors and conditions. The fees for dormitories will be reduced except for certain single rooms.
The fee for double rooms will be lowered by 5%. The fee for double rooms of dormitories before renovations decreases from 100,000 KRW to 95,000 KRW per month while dormitories after renovations increase from 147,000 KRW to 165,300 KRW. In the case of the Residential College (RC), where freshmen and sophomores are assigned to live, the fee for double rooms in dormitory #21 decreases from 174,000 KRW to 165,300 KRW per month. However, to adjust for unfairness, the fee for dormitory #20 is lowered by 10% to 15% due to its declining facilities. Therefore, the fee for double rooms in dormitory #20 where RC students live decreases from 174,000 KRW to 148,800 KRW per month. Single rooms in dormitory #20 where graduate students reside, decreases from 278,400 KRW to 250,600 KRW per month. For the same reason, to adjust for unfairness, the fee for single rooms in dormitory #19 is reduced from 264,000 KRW to 211,700 KRW per month. Single rooms in other dormitories still require 235,200 KRW per month, unchanged.
The Office of Housing Services explained that it sets dormitory fees considering students’ opinion, facility conditions, the market price of studio apartments near POSTECH and other university’s dormitory fees. Subsequently, the Dormitory Council and students’ opinions will be reflected through deliberations between the Dormitory Management Committee and the Student Living Committee, and finally determined through the approval of the university executive and the president.
This time, the Office of Housing Services mainly focused on students’ residential satisfaction improvement and collectively reviewed both university internal situations like the dormitory facility conditions, vacancy rates and external situations like the fees of other university’s dormitories and nearby studio apartments. Housing Services has strived to accept the results of the Dormitory Council survey as much as possible, and to collect opinions from students and set the reduction rate to the extent that it does not significantly worsen the financial independence of the dormitories.
Recently, a steady increase in dormitory fees provoked dissatisfaction among students. The Office of Housing Services anticipates an improvement in students’ residential satisfaction and will also enhance students’ trust in the university’s residence welfare policy through these dormitory fee adjustments. On the other hand, due to the reduction in the fee for most dormitories, 260 million KRW of financial decline is expected but it would be complemented with effective dormitory management such as the expansion of single rooms.
Regarding further plan of the Office of Housing Services, the appropriateness of the fees for the graduate apartments and Posville (accommodation for researchers) is now being investigated, and fee reductions are positively under consideration. The Office of Housing Services stated that it would continuously listen to diverse opinions from students and establish a more reasonable policy for the fee of residential facilities by carefully examining changes in internal and external circumstances.