Student Hall Renovation that took place during November 2018 finally reached its end and opened up this semester for all to use.
The renovation was processed by the donations from the POSTECH Information Research Laboratories (PIRL). Last year June, the PIRL donated a total of 500 million KRW to POSTECH to aid in the development of POSTECH and IT related majors. PIRL commented that they hope to offer a better environment for all POSTECH members, especially the students.
The renovation was a huge success. Additional resting areas were built within the first floor lobby for students to freely use, and the interior improved greatly for Oasis, Café Serio, Stationery store and Kyobo Bookstore. Especially, the menus for Oasis were altered entirely as two food brands– DDDN Pizza and Tasty Meal (Makki) entered the Student Hall. The previous Korean Cuisine– including Yukgaejang, curry rice, and bibimbab– was removed, and pizza, Japanese-style ramen, and pork cutlets took its place.
However, are the students satisfied with the output? In the beginning of the semester, an anonymous article filled with discontent regarding the Student Hall renovation was posted on Facebook and received approximately 200 likes. The post pointed out that the average price of food sold in Oasis more than doubled, that few menus costed more than needed, and that the previously more popular and cheap menu disappeared. It also criticized that student opinions were ignored completely and students were notified about the food brands entering Oasis only after the renovation was completed.
According to a survey hosted by the Postech Broadcasting System regarding student satisfaction towards Oasis, most replies regarding the quality and taste of meals ranged between ‘average’ and ‘satisfied’, and replies regarding the interior ranged from ‘satisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’. However the percentage of students who replied that they do not visit Oasis increased by 20 percent and the replies towards the satisfaction level towards price of the menus mostly ranged between ‘unsatisfied’ and ‘very unsatisfied’. Most of the surveyors (60.3%) believed that the school did not reflect the students’ opinions enough.
To this, the Welfare Society informed that it has asked the brand for additional cheaper menus and is in the process of contacting a food brand with cheaper menus.
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