This May, an episode of the KBS variety show ‘Two Days One Night’, that focused on POSTECH was broadcast. Another program ‘Night goblin’ was also broadcast last year. The Postech Times interviewed the External Relations and Communications team regarding POSTECH’s exposure in the media.
The External Relations and Communications team usually refrains from having POSTECH participate in brief publicity venues such as TV variety shows and fabricated advertisements, but these recent broadcasts were regarded as being adequate and effective for POSTECH in the long term.
Search keywords related to POSTECH used to be generally about research outcomes and general admission policies. Now, positive and original association keywords are made. The External Relations and Communications team are open to programs and projects that only POSTECH can do and aim to show that POSTECH is a favorable and welcoming university to people.
Regarding POVIS and other administration teams, there were opinions that the publicity was too difficult for people. Accordingly, the ‘Night Goblin’ team kept in close contact and the External Relations and Communications team finally accepted the opportunity because it was the end of the semester, and it would be a memorable experience for students. In addition, as our school is small and administration teams are well organized, collaboration between groups went smoothly. The team is planning to support programs in which students can participate. They are great opportunities if research conducting and students’ lifestyles can be shown as enjoyable without creating any disturbance to the present curriculum.
When asked about any future plans for publicity, the cooperation team answered that they would consistently proceed with publicity that is based on facts and coincides with the schools status. They promised to do their best in heightening the image of POSTECH.
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