저작권자 © 포항공대신문 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
On Nov. 9, POSTECH held the ‘2017 United Symphonies by Conductor Gum Nan-se and The New World Philharmonic along with Pohang citizens.’ The concert was held for two hours, and POSTECH’s auditorium was full of Pohang citizens as well as POSTECH students and staff; approximately 1200 people. Pianist Yoo Yung-wook accompanied the performance with the orchestra, playing Sergei Rachmaninoff - Piano concerto No.2 in C minor. The orchestra also played Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Hayden - Symphony No. 94 in G major, Dvorak - Symphony No. 8 in G major, and Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 4 in f minor. Mr. Gum is one of the most widely known and loved conductors in Korea, and he is famous for his communication with the audience, giving easy explanations about the music he conducts.