There was a piano recital of Timothy Ehlen (Associate Professor of Piano at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign) at the POSCO International Center on Mar. 27. Members of POSTECH and citizens of Pohang freely came and appreciated Beethoven’s sonatas. It was definitely a rare opportunity to enjoy such a great cultural event, especially in Pohang!
Established in 1988, the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) has contributed to the advancement of science and technology with Pohang Light Source (PLS). In PAL, extensive research in the field of basic and applied science has been carried out. PAL has grown into a research hub as its user base has surpassed 23,000 members and it has contributed to over 2700 SCI papers.
PAL has also tried to exert a good cultural influence for Pohang and its citizens. Since last year, PAL has hosted “PAL Culture Concert” bimonthly to mark the 25th year of the establishment. PAL’s cultural activities include this piano recital and other special lectures, on various topics such as literature, music, art, healing and history. In Nov. last year, there was a lecture about tea for healing in life. As another example, professor Young Taek Park of Kyonggi University delivered a talk named “Korean Modern Art, See Differently and Strangely” in May last year. These events don’t only improve the image and awareness of PAL, but also create a place for communication with regional citizens. Furthermore, “PAL Colloquium” has been held since 2012 for science lectures like “Comets in History” and “Looking for the God Particle” and invigoration of scientific technique with synchrotron radiation. Also every year, PAL has participated in the “Korea Science Creativity Festival” and worked for foreign relations.
PAL’s special efforts on culture activities for a local community reflects a kind of cultural management of some institutes. Dr. Ki-jeong Kim mentioned, “The importance of cultural added value and creative management is increasing. So, a need to improve competence in creativity emerged. Already laboratories, corporations, and public offices have been trying to elevate the cultural competence like IBS science camp. ”
Pohang became the center for nurturing science talents and research by several science hubs such as PAL, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP ), Korea Foundation for Max Plack POSTECH/Korea Research Initiative (MPK) , and Korea Institute of Robot and Convergence (PIRO). Moreover, through cultural communication efforts of these institutes, Pohang has gone on to become a cultural hub for local residents. Dr. Kim also stated, “Through those efforts, the existence of PAL will be a heritage value for local residents and the whole nation. Also, I expect that it will bring local citizens self-respect.”
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