In the 25th commencement, there was a total of 774 graduating students, including 293 B.S., 240 M.S., and 241 Ph.D.students. For the year 2013, Wonyeol Lee (CSE 10) was honored with the position of B.S. valedictorian with the GPA of 4.26. The Hogil Kim Medal (aka. Mueunjae Award), which is given to the student who has contributed to the university’s development through diverse student activities or community service, was awarded to Toikye Cho (IME 05). He received this award for creating Aid Beyond Economic Deve- lopment (ABCD), a group that assists the Third World to improve the quality of individual life. It focuses on the sex criminal problem in Kenya, supplying whistles and providing localized sex education to women. The “Sung-Kee Chung Thesis Paper Award” for natural science was awarded to Haejin Kim (CHEM 08), and the “Chang Kun Soo Thesis Paper Award” for engineering was awarded to Woosung Kwon (CE 03). Haejin Kim was honored with this award for her thesis “Stereodefined N,O-Acetals: Pd-Catalyzed Synthesis from Homopropargylic Amines and Utility in the Flexible Synthesis of 2,6-Substituted Piperidines”, which was published on Journal of the American Chemical Society. The research team “developed a con- ceptually new synthetic strategy which exploits the stereochemical information of labile acyclic N,O-acetals.” Likewise, Woosung Kwon was recognized for his thesis “Electroluminescence from Graphene Quantum Dots Prepared by Amidative Cutting of Tattered Graphite”, which was published on Nano Letters. The journal states that “size-controlled graphene quantum dots (GQDs) are prepared via amidative cutting of tattered graphite.”
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