Especially in POSTECH, many people’s personal information can be revealed easily. As POSTECH is a very small society compared to other universities, consisting of approximately 300 undergraduates for each grade, Postechians are careful when talking and they cannot get things off their chest. That is why the POSTECH’s Post Secret was made. The purpose was to allow Postechians to voice their heart.
POSTECH’s Post Secret is a medium that protects writers’ anonymity so Postechians can write without burden. However, the writing posted on the Facebook page is sometimes embroiled in controversy. The articles of “A Heart of Secrets-POSTECH’s Post Secret” in No.52 of The Postech Times referred to homosexuals. Posting about homosexuals is not bad because the purpose is talking about untold thing. It is free to talk about any subject. The problem is just people’s manner of speaking. People say their opinions so strongly that they may damage their own reputation. People are free to write whatever they want, but they must remember Facebook can be seen by everyone. Therefore, fundamental netiquette must be observed. If people post their opinion respectfully in Facebook, it is okay to criticize others’opinion.
POSTECH’s Post Secret is a necessary page for Postechians who live in a small society. The purpose is good for those who have an untold worry. This page is getting better and better. I hope the page becomes a good place for students to resolve their worries. I think Post Secret can become such a page if we give some advices to Postechians rather than insulting words.
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