Hot : 2011 Sunrise Festival. All Postechians -from undergraduate students to administrative staff members-came out to relieve their stress by participating in the festival in various ways.
Illegal sharing of copyrighted files via torrent. A Postechian who was running a website for file sharing within the school was charged by another student. Aside from the heated debate, this incident was a call for awareness of observing the copyright law.
Cold : Many Postechians have spent days studying for their midterm exams. In reality, however, assignments that were due right before or during the exam prevented the students from focusing 100% of their attention on studying.
It has been more than three months since the onset of spring, but the weather has still been chilly in the past few weeks. People could not enjoy the festival to the fullest because of the chilly weather at night. In addition, the rain forced the festival to move to the Student Union Building and the Grand Auditorium on the first night.