The Postech Times in English Launched
The Postech Times in English Launched
  • .
  • 승인 2009.09.02 01:01
  • 댓글 0
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The Postech Times Members: From left, Shin Jae-kwang, Cho Sung-won, Joshua Snyder(English Editor), Kim Eun-ji, Ahn Joon-hyung, Shin Chang-ho, Lee Sang-min.
POSTECH launched The Postech Times, an English-language newspaper, on Sep. 2, 2009. Founded as a part of embodying global campus, this paper will offer various news items and opinions to reinforce communication between Koreans and foreigners in POSTECH.

By launching the English-language newspaper, it is expected that there will be some positive effects in campus globalization:
- Delivering campus news to foreign Postechians
- Collecting public opinion from foreign Postechians
- Encouraging cultural exchange between Korean and foreign students
- Publicizing POSTECH abroad

The Postech Times is printed in the same paper with the Korean-language newspaper, and covers five out of a total 20 pages. The first and second will be the news section, the third page the opinion section, the fourth page the campus section, and the fifth page the feature or culture section.

The news section will be comprised of academic news and announcements of various events on campus and will especially focus on the news related to globalization and foreign Postechians. The opinion section will be made up of two parts: one will be a faculty column and the other is an opinion section opened to every Postechian. The campus section is also composed of two parts: campus stories and upcoming events on campus. Lastly, in the feature or culture section, an in-depth report or an article about Korean culture will be presented.

The Postech Times will be published every third week except during the vacation and will be distributed in several places on campus. Everyone can take this paper for free and also access online contents through the website (