Seat Booking System Implemented in Tae-Joon Park Library
Seat Booking System Implemented in Tae-Joon Park Library
  • Reporter Won John
  • 승인 2021.10.12 05:25
  • 댓글 0
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▲The third floor POCUS seats and exterior areas
▲The third floor POCUS seats and exterior areas

Starting from Aug. 24, the Tae-Joon Park Library began a trial operation of its new library seat booking system. As part of its “Living Library” renovation, which aims to create a comfortable atmosphere similar to a household living room, the library seat booking system was implemented for efficient and convenient use of the new library spaces.
The trial operation was supposed to last until Sept. 6. However, since most of the trial operation period took place during vacation time and there was a COVID-19 outbreak on campus, there was not enough feedback from users. Therefore, the Tae-Joon Park Library staff have postponed the formal opening date to Oct. 7. 
Library seats and facilities can be booked using the POSTECH Library Seat Booking System at The website can be reached both by PC web browsers and mobile applications supported by both Android and iOS operating systems. The website users are limited to POSTECH students, staff, and faculty since the booking system is interlocked with POVIS.
The Focusing Study Room (POCUS) seats, the fourth floor U-Table (Plora) seats, the fourth floor shelving seats, and the atrium seats are to be used only after booking. The third floor Plora seats and third floor shelving seats normally do not need a reservation to be used, but booking requirements will be implemented during exam periods. Not only does the library seat booking system apply to seat booking but also to facility booking. The Media Room, the Media Studio & the Editing Room, and the Media Wall on the fifth floor, along with the Group Study Rooms (GSR) should be used after booking. The PC zone on the fifth floor can also be booked, but is permitted to be used freely during vacations.
Since the booking system is integrated with entry and exit data from the library entrance gates on the second and fifth floors, real-time monitoring of seat usage is possible. Hence, timeout policies are in place to make sure seat booking is not abused for seat monopolization. If the person is not detected within the library building for 30 minutes after the reserved time, the reservation will be automatically deleted. Additionally, if the booker leaves the library during the reserved time for over 30 minutes, the reservation will also be automatically canceled.
While there is a penalty section in the booking system website, library staff have clarified that a consensus on what penalties would be given for breaching the rules has not been reached. However, they will monitor user usage data, no-show statistics, and feedback from users to judge if penalties are necessary in the future. Also, possessions of unreserved or reservation expired users may be removed and put in special storage areas by management staff or by the booker. Hopefully, all users will follow the booking system protocols so that no penalties need be imposed. 
The Tae-Joon Park Library has long been afflicted by the problem of seat monopolization during exam periods, with people leaving possessions to “reserve” their seats when they eat or go to sleep. The new seat booking system is expected to resolve this problem and make sure all people have a fair chance of studying at the school library.