My Mind
My Mind
  • Reporter Kim San
  • 승인 2021.09.06 00:01
  • 댓글 0
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Reporter Kim San
Reporter Kim San


Greetings, readers of The Postech Times!
We find ourselves at such a weird time in history. Although it is a cliché, the fact still stands. It is almost impossible to fathom what life would have been like in a different universe where COVID-19 did not break out. All the pains and economical losses it has induced seem to be insurmountable. 
It is difficult to put ourselves into other people’s shoes, but I want us to try for a moment. Think of the people who are mentally vulnerable; he who is lost in a maze that everyone else seems to have made it through. He who hears people outside who sound happy. He does not resent them but he resents himself for making all the wrong turns. Think of the people who are grieving; he whose father was a frontline worker at a hospital; she whose husband has just passed away from COVID-19. Think of all the tragedies around the world but do not pity them nor feel lucky. Now, look around. If you look closely enough, you start to realize everyone is broken, some less than others but broken nevertheless. If only everyone realized this, there would be empathy instead of hatred, compassion instead of discrimination.
During a time when we are forced to take a pause from our busy lives, it seems logical that we use this time to just look around, and see if there are people who need help, people who you can help. And try to take time to discover things that are truly important to yourself, instead of living by the rules of other people.
Personally, I have come to find writing as one of my core values. Perhaps, this role of a student journalist is as much for myself as for the readers. I hope my writing can not only deliver information but also cause readers to reflect and be a place where readers can rest for a while. I am far from a good writer, and definitely far from a good thinker, but I will certainly try my best to strive for the better.