2019 Commencement Ceremony Canceled
2019 Commencement Ceremony Canceled
  • Reporter Ryu Nu-ri
  • 승인 2020.07.14 19:01
  • 댓글 0
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▲2019 Commencement Ceremony is canceled due to COVID-19; the photo above is of 2018 Commencement Ceremony
▲2019 Commencement Ceremony is canceled due to COVID-19; the photo above is of 2018 Commencement Ceremony


The once-postponed 2019 commencement ceremony has been completely canceled due to the continuous spread of COVID-19. However, photo zones will still be installed at the lobby of the Student Union Building from July 9 to 13. Graduates of the 2019 academic year may attend the commencement ceremony of the 2020 academic year on Feb. 5, 2021, if they wish.
This year, a total of 828 students will receive their degrees, including 307 bachelor’s degrees, 222 master’s degrees and 299 PhDs. There are 88 graduates in natural sciences and 219 in engineering. Also, there are 42 Masters of Science and 180 Masters of Engineering and 109 PhDs in natural sciences and 190 PhDs in engineering, including the Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology and Graduate School of Engineering Mastership, which are Professional Graduate Schools.
Lee Won-jun (PHYS 16) will be honored as the valedictorian for the graduating class of 2019 for both engineering and natural sciences, and Lee Da-yeong (CSE 15) will be honored as the valedictorian in the field of engineering. Park Hyang-dong (MATH, Ph.D. integrated) will receive the “Sung-Kee Chung Thesis Paper Award”, which is given to the best doctoral thesis in natural sciences, for his doctoral dissertation “Contact discontinuities for 3-D axisymmetric inviscid compressible flows in infinitely long cylinders”. The “Chang Kun Soo Thesis Paper Award” for the best doctoral thesis in engineering will be rewarded to Paul Hongsuck Seo (CSE, Ph.D.) for his doctoral dissertation “Combinatorial Classification: Learning by Combination of Classifiers on Heterogeneous Output Spaces”. The Hogil Kim Medal (Mueunjae Award), which is given to the student who has significantly contributed in raising the university’s honor, is to be given to Lee Jung-rak (ME 15). Lastly, Ha Dong-heon (ME, Ph.D. integrated) will be given the honor to receive the “POSTECH Alumni Association Chairman Award”.