Freshmen Orientation
Freshmen Orientation
  • Reporter Park Hee-won
  • 승인 2019.02.28 02:48
  • 댓글 0
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▲Part of advisory committee
▲Part of advisory committee

Freshmen orientation (OT) was held from Feb. 9 to Feb. 14, lowering a curtain by matriculation ceremony on Feb. 15. 46 people worked for advisory committee for freshmen OT. There were 15 classes accompanied by four class advisors of elder students.
Like no other freshmen OT of other universities, that of POSTECH is known for its comparably long period of five full days. Back then, first events started at 8 o’clock in the morning and freshmen had to wake up early to eat prepared breakfast. Due to past feedbacks on the tight schedules, first events started average of 10 A.M. this year and breakfast was an option. Advisory Committee in order that did not have to knock on every door with the chattering sound. 
Freshmen OT provides freshmen with useful information and time to get close to the class friends, guided by their class advisors. Freshmen got a chance to make a POVIS ID, explore campus during mission tour and decide the clubs or student groups to join. Also they learned about the school policy on PAM and MOOC, had an ice breaking session and enjoyed the splendid performances of clubs. Compared to last year’s freshmen OT with the earthquake in 5 A.M., it was a safe and sound time for all undergraduate freshmen, class advisors and Advisory Committee.