The POSTECH National Institute for Nanomaterials Technology (NINT) held the ‘2017 United Completion Ceremony of six infrastructures for training talented students in nano fusion technology’ on Jan. 24. It was a chance to celebrate and encourage the completion of trainees for specialized vocational high schools. As a contribution to this business and to celebrate their employment, four credits from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC), six credits from the Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Superintendent, and six credits from the POSTECH were awarded to trainees.
Conducted by the MIC, and supported by Gyeongsangbuk-do, Pohang and the Ministry of Education, this program provided trainees with employment opportunities with reputable firms, and provided education tailored to the customized practice of firms in the field of nano processing and measurement analysis, using advanced equipment and infrastructure experts.
NINT has provided 700 hours of practical and technical education on semiconductors, display processes and analysis, and measurement methods, to third grade students from specialized vocational high schools in Gyeongsangbuk-do. More than 96% of trainees found employment in nano-related companies. In 2017, 95% of trainees completed the program, and 90% of them were gainfully employed, or in the process of applying.
Nano infrastructure institutes hold experienced staff with rich experiences, and high-tech facilities that aim to educate students to be qualified to work in industrial sites. Ultimately, these institutes strive to creates job for youths and to provides skilled manpower for medium and small sized enterprises.
NINT plans to enhance the curriculum of nano technology; which is a core of industry 4.0 and to increase the workforce for future development of the program starting this year. 35 trainees have already been selected from twelve schools in Gyeongsangbuk-do this first half. The first half is from March to July, and the second half is from September to January.
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