Postechians Perform Well at National Math Competition
Postechians Perform Well at National Math Competition
  • Reporter Park Do-won
  • 승인 2013.12.04 22:15
  • 댓글 0
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Students from POSTECH mathematics department produced a remarkable accomplishment at the 32th National Math Competition for university students.
The Korean Mathematical Society and Korea Institute for Advanced Study sponsored this competition, and students from universities nationwide competed with each other. There are two types of tests in this competition: the first type is for students who major in math or related departments, and the second type is for students from different departments with that of the first type. The grand prize is given to one person from each test type, and a gold prize is given to students within top 5%. Following that, silver prize, bronze prize and participation prize are awarded in accordance with test scores. This year, the competition was held on Oct. 5.
Jineon Baek (MATH 12) won the grand prize, and Jeon Sang Hak (MATH 14) won a gold prize. Woojin Kim (MATH 10) and Lee See-woo (MATH 13) won a silver prize, and Jang Ji-woong (MATH 11) was awarded a participation prize.
Despite small number of students, POSTECH showed its distinction again.