My goals are to meet as many people as possible and learn many things from working in The Postech Times. First of all, I want to get close to The Postech Times members. Also, I want to meet other people such as professors or seniors who are difficult to meet personally. Being a reporter of The Postech Times will be great because I will have a chance to meet these people, listen to their stories, and share their stories with you.
Lastly, I wish The Postech Times would make POSTECH students be more critical. POSTECH students tend to be a little too obedient. I can hardly find students who strongly criticize the policy of the university or claim their opinion about a problem related to us. I also think that a reporter has responsibility to bring up social issues and equib readers to seriously think about them. Therefore, I want The Postech Times to perform this role better and improve critical thinking of POSTECH students.
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