On Nov. 11, the official result of ballot counting was announced. The total amount of voters for UA was 1372. About 62% of Postechians voted for the candidates, 36% voted against, and 2% submitted blank ballots.
Can you tell me the reason for choosing the motto “Neo-Na-Deul-I”?
Jang: I think democracy comes from horizontal relationships, and active communications with students are essential for that. The phrase “Neo-Na-Deul-I” represents horizontal relationship well.
What are your plans to improve communication with undergraduate students?
Jang: Since I was the Communication · Connection Director of 30th UA, all communication projects of 30th UA went through me. For that reason, we will inherit most of them. As our own project, we will especially improve the accessibility of “Student Government Visitation.” We are also planning a new project called “20 Students Petition System.”
Can you explain about your new project, “20 Students Petition System,” and about its difference with POSTECH Lounge in Povis?
Jang: Students mention many inconveniences and recommendations to POSTECH in everyday conversation. I think it would be regrettable to miss these suggestions and let them disappear into the air. As the student government, we value every opinion. In former way, to hypothesize one’s idea, student has to personally gather signatures and submit some papers for it. It is not a simple process, which is why I came up with the “20 Students Petition System.” Every POSTECH undergraduate student can upload discussion contents anonymously. Students can discuss immediately and student government will screen that issue if the content is agreed upon by more than 20 students.
The difference between this and the Povis POSTECH Lounge is that only undergraduate students can access the new website. All Postechians, including professors, staffs, and graduate students, can access POSTECH Lounge.
Is there any trigger to choose your partner?
Jang: Seung-jun is very calm, and not easily excited to anger. I suggested Mr. Lee to work together. I thought we can make up for the weak points of each other.
Lee: I belong to various subsidiary organizations of student government, like Graduation Preparatory Committee in this semester. I felt this work was worthwhile and satisfying, and that was the reason I decided to join with Yun-seon.
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