POSTECH Graduate Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
POSTECH Graduate Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
  • Reporter Gyak Ki-won
  • 승인 2016.01.01 00:03
  • 댓글 0
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On Dec. 9, 'POSTECH Graduate Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities' was declared by the POSTECH Graduate Student Association (GSA) at POSCO International Center Auditorium. The GSA declared “graduate student bill of rights” with other student associations in 2014. However, some say the graduate student bill of rights is unrealistic given in POSTECH’s actual situation. This POSTECH Graduate Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities was designed to address better circumstances of POSTECH graduate students. The President Doh-Yeon Kim, faculty members, and staff of POSTECH attended the declaration. Many graduated students also attended with keen interest.