The main purpose of studying abroad program is, as indicated by the word “study,” education. Postechians who participate in the studying abroad program (including Summer Session, Study Abroad, and Short-term Studying Abroad) have to receive credits from the other universities. Furthermore, studying abroad program focuses not only on education but also on experiences. On their own initiative, Postechians should understand the culture by traveling around, meeting natives, and so on. In these three programs, PIR supports and helps them. In other words, what students learn and experience is truly dependent on them.
Studying abroad programs appoint particular universities students must choose from. There are some criteria the PIR use to appoint the universities that Postechians can attend. The main consideration is whether the university is a prestigious university in the English- speaking world. English plays an important role among global leaders because it is the official world language. Other criteria are honor and rank of university. Among the prestigious universities, POSTECH particularly looks for those who are known for outstanding achievements in the field of engineering. Using these criteria, POSTECH and PIR strive to offer high quality education. Nevertheless, recently, according to globalization trends, they focus not only on universities in the English-speaking world, but also on universities in Norway, Germany, France, Austria, Hong Kong and so on.
Internship and AEARU Camp slightly differ from study abroad programs. While Study abroad program focus on education, both of these programs focus on experiences. Although it is the firm that chooses the students to come to work at its place, the PIR plays the role as a window that connects Postechians to the firm. The main purpose of internships is acquiring hands-on-background knowledge. Classroom-based knowledge often differs from reality. Internship programs will fill the hole. Also, the merit of international internships is that Postechians could know other cultures too. AEARU camp is hosted by universities located in East Asia. In this camp, from four to seven students in each university participate to develop their ability and strengthen friendships between universities.
PIR said, “The most important thing that POSTECH thinks about is education, but Potechians must also grow as global leaders. So, not only good grades but also a wide view through broad experiences of internship, cultural understandings and service are among our goals for students.” Fortunately, most of the Postechians who take part in these programs feel that they have a more open mind through education, traveling, and interaction.
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