2nd POSTECH Cultural Content Contest in Science and Tech.
2nd POSTECH Cultural Content Contest in Science and Tech.
Reporter Chung Yu-sun
승인 2013.11.06 14:43
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On Oct. 25, the 2nd POSTECH Cultural Content Contest in Science and Technology Award Ceremony, hosted by The Postech Times, took place. The purpose of this contest is to enhance Postechians’ creativity and imagination and to express ideas through various media. Until Sep. 13, undergraduate and graduate students were encouraged to submit their projects in the format of Science Fiction (SF), Photostory, and UCC. The SF topic was free, while the topics for Photostory and UCC were about POSTECH, Postechians, and Science and Society. A total of 16 projects were submitted, including nine photostories, three UCCs, and four SFs. These projects were judged by the Head of the Center for Excellence in Education, Professor Soon-Ju Kwon (MSE), Prof. Woo Jung-Ah (HSS), and The Postech Time’s Professor Editor Sang Joon Park (HSS). At the award ceremony, Prof. Park mentioned how the second time the contest is held is more important than the rest because it shows the progress of the contest compared to when it was first held. For example, last year only one person submitted a SF project. Whereas this year, the number of submitted SF projects increased to four. Prof. Kwon commented on the projects, and indicated how conveys the act of creating something itself shows creativity. While the grand prize was 500,000 KRW, the runner up prize and participation prize were 200,000 KRW and 100,000 KRW. The grand prize was awarded to Yusung Kim (ME 11) for his UCC project, Science and Society. The runner up prizes went to Phan Anh Thu (GIFT M.S.), Angele Koh (LIFE M.S.-Ph.D. integrated), and Kim Dong Young (EEE 10). The participation prizes were awarded to Kim Sung Je (LIFE 12), Taesung Lee (CSE M.S.-Ph.D. integrated), Amir Masoud Dayaghi (MSE M.S.-Ph.D. integrated), Kim Choyeop (CHEM 11), Kim JaeYu (IE 10), and Song Uk (Undeclared 13). The ceremony took place in the Hongil Kim Memorial Hall in Rm 308 from 4-6 P.M. The award winning projects were exhibited in the Student Union Building from Oct. 25-Nov. 1.