The Particulate Engineering Committee of the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining stated that the reason for the selection is to recognize the service of this paper which identified the critical process conditions in powder injection moulding (PIM) of microsystem components, which can be found in microtechnology based electro-chemical, mechanical and biological systems (MECS).
The investigation was conducted using a state-of-the-art program named PIMSolver, created by the research team of Professor Tai Hun Kwon of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. With the help of this paper, PIMSolver became acknowledged as a world leading computer aided engineering (CAE) analysis software.
Professor Park is the first valedictorian of POSTECH who continued on to study at POSTECH until he received a Ph.D. He took the post as a professor at his alma mater in 2009 and is investigating applications and related simulations of PIM.
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