The Department of Material Science and Engineering (MSE) and the POSTECH Information Research Laboratories (PIRL) collaborated with Nanjing University of China and Tohoku University of Japan for the third Advanced Materials Science Workshop (AEARU). It was held for three days from Nov. 11 to 13 in the POSCO International Center at POSTECH.
This workshop was held not only for the Universities that are registered in AEARU but also for researchers from all over the world to exchange up to date information on the trends of Advanced Material Science. The workshop consisted of three subjects, innovative materials for nano-photonics, self-assembled materials for green applications, and high tech optical materials.In this workshop, professors including Professor Martin Vacha of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor Iam Keong Sou of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Professor Ge Hai-Xiong of Nanjing University were present and discussed a variety of matters related to Material Science.
AEARU was established in January of 1996 to promote exchange and research cooperation between universities located in the Eastern Asia. Currently, 17 universities are registered in AEARU and in Korea, POSTECH, Seoul National University, and KAIST are acting members.
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