H1N1 is a newly emerging virus, which resulted from an antigenic shift of an existing virus. It is responsible for a contagious respiratory illness that is spreading rapidly throughout the world.
The symptoms of the H1N1 Flu are as follows. They are very similar to those of seasonal flu, including fever, runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, and coughing. Some people have also experienced nausea, tiredness, diarrhea, vomiting, and a loss of appetite. The World Health Organization(WHO) declared the H1N1 Flu threat level to full-scale pandemic recently. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, we should keep the following precautionary measures against H1N1 Flu to prevent the spread of contagion.
1. Wash your hands frequently and refrain from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
2. When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue and then throw away the tissue paper and wash your hands thoroughly.
3. If any of the two symptoms of acute respiratory conditions (runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, fever) appear in the first 7 days of your arrival, inform the closest public health center.
4. You will not be infected with the H1N1 Flu by food. The virus dies when heated above 70℃.