Conference for Course Registration System Improvement
Conference for Course Registration System Improvement
  • Reporter Park Hee-won
  • 승인 2019.04.24 13:23
  • 댓글 0
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The present course registration system is first-come, first-served basis. It takes at the end of the previous semester, and the amendment session is made after the vacation. This system certainly has advantages. First, every students can sign up at the same time regardless of the grade. Second, it is easy to understand that the operation and understanding is simple. However, if a student fails to register a lecture, one has to continuously check the present number of quota. Also, the lectures can be exchanged or traded between students that might cause secondary damage. In case of excessive, simultaneous access, the possibility of system overload cannot be ignored.
On March 28, Conference for Course Registration System Improvement was held to solve these problems. The purpose of this event was to check the current shortcomings and collect the opinions that can complement the present system in order to minimize inconvenience by providing fair registration opportunities. 
Department of Educational Affairs and Records suggested the queue system and had Q&A session with students. Queue system will be demonstrated for the lecutres with competitive resgistrations. It lets students stand by for the lectures they want. The number of students who can stand by in the waiting line will be five. Additionally, course registration shopping cart system is considered to be introduced. These systems are planned to be implemented from course registration for 2020 spring semester.