All POSTECH freshmen and sophomores are assigned to live in the Residential College (Dormitory 21) for two years. After this period of time, students are to register for new rooms among the dormitory buildings assigned to undergraduate students. Especially, female undergraduate students are obliged to register for a room in Girls’ Dormitory #1. However, this year, unlike before, Girls’ Dormitory #1 lacked enough rooms to host the entire class of 2017 and forced some to register rooms in Girls’ Dormitory #3, previously assigned to only female postgraduate students.
Girls’ dormitory #3 is considered much more inferior compared to Girls’ Dormitory #1. Firstly, compared to Girls’ Dormitory #1, The Housing Services informed that Girls’ Dormitory #3 is currently not remodeled, and is planning to go through the remodeling in the first semester of 2020. It also lacks proper cooking facilities and holds only a few microwaves, while #1 is set with hot plates, microwave, and a sink for every floor. Other than this, the difference continues in the ventilation system, heating facilities, and condition of equipped materials- all #3 much superior compared to dorm #1.
Additionally, as Girls’ Dormitory #3 was originally entirely used by postgraduate female students, newly joining students had to face several frustrations due to the large age difference. Especially, as most of the postgraduates used to live without roommates, some undergraduate students had to share rooms with postgraduate students, resulting in inconvenience for both sides as undergraduates and postgraduates live through disparate schedules. Due to this, many undergraduate students who were nearly imposed to move into Girls’ Dormitory #3 showed displeasure towards the situation.
However, is only the class of 2017 subjected to this issue?
According to the data obtained from the Educational Affairs and Record, the total number of female undergraduate students in the class of 2017 is 73. However, the total number of female undergraduate students in 2018 is 100, showing a 37% increase in population. Considering the significant increase in female students, the shortage of rooms in the Girls’ Dormitory is likely to continue- or worsen, considering the difference of 23 students.
The Housing Office has replied that in 2020, it expects that approximately 54 female undergraduates- considering the fact that not 100% of the female student apply for dormitory- will face the same problem as this year. This is 3.2 times more than the 17 students sent to dormitory #3 this year.
To the question whether the Housing Office holds an answer towards the current situation, the office answered that the exceeding students will inevitably have to be assigned to Girls’ Dormitory #3. However, to alleviate the situation, the Office assured that it will separate the rooms for undergraduates and postgraduates by assigning the first floor for undergraduates to apply for. It also added that if by any chance, one floor is not enough to hold all applicants; it will additionally open another floor and try best to provide them the segregation they need.
The Housing Office also pointed out that the scheduled remodeling of the Girls’ Dormitory #3 will be taking place during 2020, expecting that the as the conditions for both Girls’ dormitory #1 and #3 become equivalent, complaints and dissatisfaction will diminish. During the remodeling process, all residents of the Girls’ Dormitory #3 will be moved to a temporary stay- Dormitory #18, which is also not yet remodeled.
The Housing Office also included that there will be no benefits offered to those 17 female undergraduates moved to Girls’ Dormitory #3 as the dormitory fee for #1 and #3 differ by 188 thousand KRW per semester which covers for the difference in facility quality of the two buildings.