When reporters of The Postech Times arrived near the red gate of the University of Tokyo (UTokyo), Jung Bum-jun, the undergraduate representative of the Korean Student Association at the University of Tokyo (TokyoKSA), welcomed. He led reporters to the first floor of the Engineering Building 11, near the Starbucks.
When asked to introduce himself, Jung replied, “I’m Jung Bum-jun, and majoring in mechanical engineering at the University of Tokyo. 2019 is my third year at UTokyo. I had to spend last two years at the College of Arts and Sciences as a student of Natural Sciences I stream.” When requested to explain about the stream, he answered, “There are six streams. All new students enter one of them: Humanities and Social Sciences I, II or III or Natural Sciences I, II or III. Students of Natural Sciences I tends to go to the Faculty of Engineering, those of II to the Faculty of Science, and those of III to the Faculty of Medicine. With the grades for the first two years, students chose their majors. Therefore, students of UTokyo tend to study hard naturally.”
When asked about the entrance into UTokyo, Jung said, “I entered through Korea-Japan Joint Government Scholarship Program. It is the program selecting 100 students to study in Japan by test and interview. Among 100 students, five can enter UTokyo. I prepared for the program since high school. I was selected in 2016 and after the preparatory course, I entered UTokyo in 2017. I’ve heard that the program is now abolished. Since I think it is a good program to study abroad, I was sorry to hear that.” He added, “Japanese students have to take an entrance examination. It is a little bit difficult and each university in Japan holds its own examination. Some enter through the admission by recommendation, and they are very few and very special.”
When requested to introduce the TokyoKSA, Jung responded, “There are not so many Korean students in UTokyo. Compared with the total number of students, they are less than 10%. About 30 students work as members of the KSA, and there are three bureaus: Employment, Culture and Sports, and Planning. Employment bureau gathers information and donations from various companies and holds job fairs. Culture and Sports bureau and Planning bureau hold diverse events for Korean students with donations from companies, such as a sports day, a bowling day, semester opening party, a cruise tour and others. KSA works for benefits of all Korean students: undergraduates, graduates, and exchange students.”
Closing the interview, Jung left a message to readers of The Postech Times. “Studying in Japan is one of the great choices. How about studying for a master’s or doctor’s degree in UTokyo or Japan?”
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